# Linux WS20/21 [![Build Status](https://drone.cryptic.systems/api/badges/fh-trier/linux_ws2021/status.svg)](https://drone.cryptic.systems/fh-trier/linux_ws2021) This repository contains the latex source code of the module *Linux / Betriebssysteme* of the University of Applied Science for the winter semester 21/22. The document contains tasks which students should could solve before they write their exam. ## Compiling the PDF document There are two ways to compile the PDF document. Via a local installed latex environment which must be fullfil the dependencies or via a container image wich has all dependencies included (it is probably easier to use a container image to compile the document). To do this, install `docker` or `podman` as container runtime and `make` as build tool. If you have `docker` or `podman` and `make` installed execute `make container-run/latexmk/index.pdf` to compile the PDF document by using a container image. If you don't want to install a container runtime and the build tool `make`, you have to install texlive manually - [installation instructions](https://www.tug.org/texlive/). ## make commands ### container-run/latexmk Uses a container image to compile the PDF document with `latexmk`. By default the docker container `volkerraschek/latex:latest-archlinux` is used. However, it can also be modified. The Makefile contains the variables with the prefix `BUILD_IMAGE` to change the full qualified image name. ```bash make container-run/latexmk/index.pdf ``` ### latexmk Executes latexmk natively in the system environment. ```bash make latexmk/index.pdf ```