package dht import ( "fmt" "time" "" ) // HostInit calls host.Init(). This needs to be done before DHT can be used. func HostInit() error { _, err := host.Init() return err } // Read reads the sensor once, returing humidity and temperature, or an error. // Note that Read will sleep for at least 2 seconds between last call. // Each reads error adds a half second to sleep time to max of 30 seconds. func (dht *DHT) Read() (humidity float64, temperature float64, err error) { // set sleepTime var sleepTime time.Duration if dht.numErrors < 57 { sleepTime = (2 * time.Second) + (time.Duration(dht.numErrors) * 500 * time.Millisecond) } else { // sleep max of 30 seconds sleepTime = 30 * time.Second } sleepTime -= time.Since(dht.lastRead) // sleep between 2 and 30 seconds time.Sleep(sleepTime) // read bits from sensor var bits []int bits, err = dht.readBits() if err != nil { return } // covert bits to humidity and temperature humidity, temperature, err = dht.bitsToValues(bits) return } // bitsToValues will convert the bits into humidity and temperature values func (dht *DHT) bitsToValues(bits []int) (humidity float64, temperature float64, err error) { var sum8 uint8 var sumTotal uint8 var checkSum uint8 var i int var humidityInt int var temperatureInt int // get humidityInt value for i = 0; i < 16; i++ { humidityInt = humidityInt << 1 humidityInt += bits[i] // sum 8 bits for checkSum sum8 = sum8 << 1 sum8 += uint8(bits[i]) if i == 7 || i == 15 { // got 8 bits, add to sumTotal for checkSum sumTotal += sum8 sum8 = 0 } } // get temperatureInt value for i = 16; i < 32; i++ { temperatureInt = temperatureInt << 1 temperatureInt += bits[i] // sum 8 bits for checkSum sum8 = sum8 << 1 sum8 += uint8(bits[i]) if i == 23 || i == 31 { // got 8 bits, add to sumTotal for checkSum sumTotal += sum8 sum8 = 0 } } // if high 16 bit is set, value is negtive // 1000000000000000 = 0x8000 if (temperatureInt & 0x8000) > 0 { // flip bits 16 and lower to get negtive number for int // 1111111111111111 = 0xffff temperatureInt |= ^0xffff } // get checkSum value for i = 32; i < 40; i++ { checkSum = checkSum << 1 checkSum += uint8(bits[i]) } if dht.sensorType != "dht11" { // humidity is between 0 % to 100 % if humidityInt < 0 || humidityInt > 1000 { err = fmt.Errorf("bad data - humidity: %v", humidityInt) return } // temperature between -40 C to 80 C if temperatureInt < -400 || temperatureInt > 800 { err = fmt.Errorf("bad data - temperature: %v", temperatureInt) return } // check checkSum if checkSum != sumTotal { err = fmt.Errorf("bad data - check sum fail") } humidity = float64(humidityInt) / 10.0 if dht.temperatureUnit == Celsius { temperature = float64(temperatureInt) / 10.0 } else { temperature = float64(temperatureInt)*9.0/50.0 + 32.0 } return } // humidity is between 0 % to 100 % if humidityInt < 0 || humidityInt > 100 { err = fmt.Errorf("bad data - humidity: %v", humidityInt) return } // temperature between 0 C to 50 C if temperatureInt < 0 || temperatureInt > 50 { err = fmt.Errorf("bad data - temperature: %v", temperatureInt) return } // check checkSum if checkSum != sumTotal { err = fmt.Errorf("bad data - check sum fail") } humidity = float64(humidityInt) if dht.temperatureUnit == Celsius { temperature = float64(temperatureInt) } else { temperature = float64(temperatureInt)*9.0/5.0 + 32.0 } return } // ReadRetry will call Read until there is no errors or the maxRetries is hit. // Suggest maxRetries to be set around 11. func (dht *DHT) ReadRetry(maxRetries int) (humidity float64, temperature float64, err error) { for i := 0; i < maxRetries; i++ { humidity, temperature, err = dht.Read() if err == nil { return } } return } // ReadBackground it meant to be run in the background, run as a Goroutine. // sleepDuration is how long it will try to sleep between reads. // If there is ongoing read errors there will be no notice except that the values will not be updated. // Will continue to read sensor until stop is closed. // After it has been stopped, the stopped chan will be closed. // Will panic if humidity, temperature, or stop are nil. func (dht *DHT) ReadBackground(humidity *float64, temperature *float64, sleepDuration time.Duration, stop chan struct{}, stopped chan struct{}) { var humidityTemp float64 var temperatureTemp float64 var err error var startTime time.Time Loop: for { startTime = time.Now() humidityTemp, temperatureTemp, err = dht.Read() if err == nil { // no read error, save result *humidity = humidityTemp *temperature = temperatureTemp // wait for sleepDuration or stop select { case <-time.After(sleepDuration - time.Since(startTime)): case <-stop: break Loop } } else { // read error, just check for stop select { case <-stop: break Loop default: } } } close(stopped) }