[Unit] Description=flucky service #OnFailure=status-email@%n.service [Service] # Type # Configures the process start-up type for this service unit. One of # simple, forking, oneshot, dbus, notify or idle. Type=simple # Specifiers # Many settings resolve specifiers which may be used to write generic # unit files referring to runtime or unit parameters that are replaced # when the unit files are loaded. Specifiers must be known and # resolvable for the setting to be valid. The following specifiers are # understood: # %b BootID The boot ID of the running system, formatted as string. # %C Cache directory root This is either /var/cache (for the system manager) or the path "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" resolves to (for user managers). # %E Configuration directory root This is either /etc (for the system manager) or the path "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME" resolves to (for user managers). # %f Unescaped filename # %h User home directory This is the home directory of the user running the service manager instance. In case of the system manager this resolves to "/root". # %H Hostname The hostname of the running system at the point in time the unit configuration is loaded. # $i Instance name For instantiated units this is the string between the first "@" character and the type suffix. Empty for non-instantiated units. # %I Unescaped instance name Same as "%i", but with escaping undone. # %n Full unit name # %N Full unit name Same as "%n", but with the type suffix removed. # %p Prefix name For instantiated units, this refers to the string before the first "@" character of the unit name. For non-instantiated units, same as "%N". # %P Unescaped prefix name Same as "%p", but with escaping undone. # %u User name This is the name of the user running the service manager instance. In case of the system manager this resolves to "root". # %U User UID This is the numeric UID of the user running the service manager instance. In case of the system manager this resolves to "0". ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/flucky temperature push %i Environment=USER=root User=root Group=root