# UID/GID # UID or GID is the UNIX user ID or group ID of the user who executes # make. If the UID or GID is not passed as a make variable, an attempt # is made to determine it. UID?=$(shell id --user) GID?=$(shell id --group) # VERSION # If no version is specified as a parameter of make, the last git hash # value is taken. VERSION:=$(or ${TRAVIS_TAG}, ${TRAVIS_TAG}, $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)-git) CONTAINER_RUNTIME?=$(shell which docker) GOARCH?=amd64 GOOS?=linux # default build build: GOOS=${GOOS} \ GOARCH=${GOARCH} \ go build -ldflags "-X main.version=${VERSION}" chown -R ${UID}:${GID} * test: bindata go test -v ./pkg/... bindata: go-bindata -pkg logfile -o ./pkg/logfile/bindata_test.go ./pkg/logfile/test container-build: $(MAKE) container-run COMMAND=build container-test: $(MAKE) container-run COMMAND=test container-run: ${CONTAINER_RUNTIME} run \ --volume ${PWD}:/workspace \ --rm \ volkerraschek/build-image:latest\ make ${COMMAND} UID=${UID} GID=${GID} VERSION=${VERSION} GOOS=${GOOS} GOARCH=${GOARCH} remote: $(MAKE) build GOARCH=arm scp flucky ${FLUCKY_REMOTE}:/usr/local/bin ssh ${FLUCKY_REMOTE} "chmod +x /usr/local/bin/flucky"