2018-12-07 20:42:30 +01:00

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26 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Periph Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package physic
import (
// Angle is the measurement of the difference in orientation between two vectors
// stored as an int64 nano radian.
// A negative angle is valid.
// The highest representable value is a bit over 500,000,000,000°.
type Angle int64
// String returns the angle formatted as a string in degree.
func (a Angle) String() string {
// Angle is not a S.I. unit, so it must not be prefixed by S.I. prefixes.
if a == 0 {
return "0°"
// Round.
prefix := ""
if a < 0 {
a = -a
prefix = "-"
switch {
case a < Degree:
v := ((a * 1000) + Degree/2) / Degree
return prefix + "0." + prefixZeros(3, int(v)) + "°"
case a < 10*Degree:
v := ((a * 1000) + Degree/2) / Degree
i := v / 1000
v = v - i*1000
return prefix + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + "." + prefixZeros(3, int(v)) + "°"
case a < 100*Degree:
v := ((a * 1000) + Degree/2) / Degree
i := v / 1000
v = v - i*1000
return prefix + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + "." + prefixZeros(2, int(v)) + "°"
case a < 1000*Degree:
v := ((a * 1000) + Degree/2) / Degree
i := v / 1000
v = v - i*1000
return prefix + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + "." + prefixZeros(1, int(v)) + "°"
v := (a + Degree/2) / Degree
return prefix + strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10) + "°"
const (
NanoRadian Angle = 1
MicroRadian Angle = 1000 * NanoRadian
MilliRadian Angle = 1000 * MicroRadian
Radian Angle = 1000 * MilliRadian
// Theta is 2π. This is equivalent to 360°.
Theta Angle = 6283185307 * NanoRadian
Pi Angle = 3141592653 * NanoRadian
Degree Angle = 17453293 * NanoRadian
// Distance is a measurement of length stored as an int64 nano metre.
// This is one of the base unit in the International System of Units.
// The highest representable value is 9.2Gm.
type Distance int64
// String returns the distance formatted as a string in metre.
func (d Distance) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(d)) + "m"
const (
NanoMetre Distance = 1
MicroMetre Distance = 1000 * NanoMetre
MilliMetre Distance = 1000 * MicroMetre
Metre Distance = 1000 * MilliMetre
KiloMetre Distance = 1000 * Metre
MegaMetre Distance = 1000 * KiloMetre
GigaMetre Distance = 1000 * MegaMetre
// Conversion between Metre and imperial units.
Thou Distance = 25400 * NanoMetre
Inch Distance = 1000 * Thou
Foot Distance = 12 * Inch
Yard Distance = 3 * Foot
Mile Distance = 1760 * Yard
// ElectricCurrent is a measurement of a flow of electric charge stored as an
// int64 nano Ampere.
// This is one of the base unit in the International System of Units.
// The highest representable value is 9.2GA.
type ElectricCurrent int64
// String returns the current formatted as a string in Ampere.
func (e ElectricCurrent) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(e)) + "A"
const (
NanoAmpere ElectricCurrent = 1
MicroAmpere ElectricCurrent = 1000 * NanoAmpere
MilliAmpere ElectricCurrent = 1000 * MicroAmpere
Ampere ElectricCurrent = 1000 * MilliAmpere
KiloAmpere ElectricCurrent = 1000 * Ampere
MegaAmpere ElectricCurrent = 1000 * KiloAmpere
GigaAmpere ElectricCurrent = 1000 * MegaAmpere
// ElectricPotential is a measurement of electric potential stored as an int64
// nano Volt.
// The highest representable value is 9.2GV.
type ElectricPotential int64
// String returns the tension formatted as a string in Volt.
func (e ElectricPotential) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(e)) + "V"
const (
// Volt is W/A, kg⋅m²/s³/A.
NanoVolt ElectricPotential = 1
MicroVolt ElectricPotential = 1000 * NanoVolt
MilliVolt ElectricPotential = 1000 * MicroVolt
Volt ElectricPotential = 1000 * MilliVolt
KiloVolt ElectricPotential = 1000 * Volt
MegaVolt ElectricPotential = 1000 * KiloVolt
GigaVolt ElectricPotential = 1000 * MegaVolt
// ElectricResistance is a measurement of the difficulty to pass an electric
// current through a conductor stored as an int64 nano Ohm.
// The highest representable value is 9.2GΩ.
type ElectricResistance int64
// String returns the resistance formatted as a string in Ohm.
func (e ElectricResistance) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(e)) + "Ω"
const (
// Ohm is V/A, kg⋅m²/s³/A².
NanoOhm ElectricResistance = 1
MicroOhm ElectricResistance = 1000 * NanoOhm
MilliOhm ElectricResistance = 1000 * MicroOhm
Ohm ElectricResistance = 1000 * MilliOhm
KiloOhm ElectricResistance = 1000 * Ohm
MegaOhm ElectricResistance = 1000 * KiloOhm
GigaOhm ElectricResistance = 1000 * MegaOhm
// Force is a measurement of interaction that will change the motion of an
// object stored as an int64 nano Newton.
// A measurement of Force is a vector and has a direction but this unit only
// represents the magnitude. The orientation needs to be stored as a Quaternion
// independently.
// The highest representable value is 9.2TN.
type Force int64
// String returns the force formatted as a string in Newton.
func (f Force) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(f)) + "N"
const (
// Newton is kg⋅m/s².
NanoNewton Force = 1
MicroNewton Force = 1000 * NanoNewton
MilliNewton Force = 1000 * MicroNewton
Newton Force = 1000 * MilliNewton
KiloNewton Force = 1000 * Newton
MegaNewton Force = 1000 * KiloNewton
GigaNewton Force = 1000 * MegaNewton
EarthGravity Force = 9806650 * MicroNewton
// Conversion between Newton and imperial units.
// Pound is both a unit of mass and weight (force). The suffix Force is added
// to disambiguate the measurement it represents.
PoundForce Force = 4448221615261 * NanoNewton
// Frequency is a measurement of cycle per second, stored as an int32 micro
// Hertz.
// The highest representable value is 9.2THz.
type Frequency int64
// String returns the frequency formatted as a string in Hertz.
func (f Frequency) String() string {
return microAsString(int64(f)) + "Hz"
// Duration returns the duration of one cycle at this frequency.
func (f Frequency) Duration() time.Duration {
// Note: Duration() should have been named Period().
// TODO(maruel): Rounding should be fine-tuned.
return time.Second * time.Duration(Hertz) / time.Duration(f)
// PeriodToFrequency returns the frequency for a period of this interval.
func PeriodToFrequency(t time.Duration) Frequency {
return Frequency(time.Second) * Hertz / Frequency(t)
const (
// Hertz is 1/s.
MicroHertz Frequency = 1
MilliHertz Frequency = 1000 * MicroHertz
Hertz Frequency = 1000 * MilliHertz
KiloHertz Frequency = 1000 * Hertz
MegaHertz Frequency = 1000 * KiloHertz
GigaHertz Frequency = 1000 * MegaHertz
TeraHertz Frequency = 1000 * GigaHertz
// Mass is a measurement of mass stored as an int64 nano gram.
// This is one of the base unit in the International System of Units.
// The highest representable value is 9.2Gg.
type Mass int64
// String returns the mass formatted as a string in gram.
func (m Mass) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(m)) + "g"
const (
NanoGram Mass = 1
MicroGram Mass = 1000 * NanoGram
MilliGram Mass = 1000 * MicroGram
Gram Mass = 1000 * MilliGram
KiloGram Mass = 1000 * Gram
MegaGram Mass = 1000 * KiloGram
GigaGram Mass = 1000 * MegaGram
Tonne Mass = MegaGram
// Conversion between Gram and imperial units.
// Ounce is both a unit of mass, weight (force) or volume depending on
// context. The suffix Mass is added to disambiguate the measurement it
// represents.
OunceMass Mass = 28349523125 * NanoGram
// Pound is both a unit of mass and weight (force). The suffix Mass is added
// to disambiguate the measurement it represents.
PoundMass Mass = 16 * OunceMass
Slug Mass = 14593903 * MilliGram
// Pressure is a measurement of force applied to a surface per unit
// area (stress) stored as an int64 nano Pascal.
// The highest representable value is 9.2GPa.
type Pressure int64
// String returns the pressure formatted as a string in Pascal.
func (p Pressure) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(p)) + "Pa"
const (
// Pascal is N/m², kg/m/s².
NanoPascal Pressure = 1
MicroPascal Pressure = 1000 * NanoPascal
MilliPascal Pressure = 1000 * MicroPascal
Pascal Pressure = 1000 * MilliPascal
KiloPascal Pressure = 1000 * Pascal
MegaPascal Pressure = 1000 * KiloPascal
GigaPascal Pressure = 1000 * MegaPascal
// RelativeHumidity is a humidity level measurement stored as an int32 fixed
// point integer at a precision of 0.00001%rH.
// Valid values are between 0% and 100%.
type RelativeHumidity int32
// String returns the humidity formatted as a string.
func (r RelativeHumidity) String() string {
r /= MilliRH
frac := int(r % 10)
if frac == 0 {
return strconv.Itoa(int(r)/10) + "%rH"
if frac < 0 {
frac = -frac
return strconv.Itoa(int(r)/10) + "." + strconv.Itoa(frac) + "%rH"
const (
TenthMicroRH RelativeHumidity = 1 // 0.00001%rH
MicroRH RelativeHumidity = 10 * TenthMicroRH // 0.0001%rH
MilliRH RelativeHumidity = 1000 * MicroRH // 0.1%rH
PercentRH RelativeHumidity = 10 * MilliRH // 1%rH
// Speed is a measurement of magnitude of velocity stored as an int64 nano
// Metre per Second.
// The highest representable value is 9.2Gm/s.
type Speed int64
// String returns the speed formatted as a string in m/s.
func (s Speed) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(s)) + "m/s"
const (
// MetrePerSecond is m/s.
NanoMetrePerSecond Speed = 1
MicroMetrePerSecond Speed = 1000 * NanoMetrePerSecond
MilliMetrePerSecond Speed = 1000 * MicroMetrePerSecond
MetrePerSecond Speed = 1000 * MilliMetrePerSecond
KiloMetrePerSecond Speed = 1000 * MetrePerSecond
MegaMetrePerSecond Speed = 1000 * KiloMetrePerSecond
GigaMetrePerSecond Speed = 1000 * MegaMetrePerSecond
LightSpeed Speed = 299792458 * MetrePerSecond
KilometrePerHour Speed = 277777778 * NanoMetrePerSecond
MilePerHour Speed = 447040 * MicroMetrePerSecond
FootPerSecond Speed = 304800 * MicroMetrePerSecond
// Temperature is a measurement of hotness stored as a nano kelvin.
// Negative values are invalid.
// The highest representable value is 9.2GK.
type Temperature int64
// String returns the temperature formatted as a string in °Celsius.
func (t Temperature) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(t-ZeroCelsius)) + "°C"
const (
NanoKelvin Temperature = 1
MicroKelvin Temperature = 1000 * NanoKelvin
MilliKelvin Temperature = 1000 * MicroKelvin
Kelvin Temperature = 1000 * MilliKelvin
KiloKelvin Temperature = 1000 * Kelvin
MegaKelvin Temperature = 1000 * KiloKelvin
GigaKelvin Temperature = 1000 * MegaKelvin
// Conversion between Kelvin and Celsius.
ZeroCelsius Temperature = 273150 * MilliKelvin
MilliCelsius Temperature = MilliKelvin
Celsius Temperature = Kelvin
// Conversion between Kelvin and Fahrenheit.
ZeroFahrenheit Temperature = 255372 * MilliKelvin
MilliFahrenheit Temperature = 555555 * NanoKelvin
Fahrenheit Temperature = 555555555 * NanoKelvin
// Power is a measurement of power stored as a nano watts.
// The highest representable value is 9.2GW.
type Power int64
// String returns the power formatted as a string in watts.
func (p Power) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(p)) + "W"
const (
// Watt is unit of power J/s, kg⋅m²⋅s⁻³
NanoWatt Power = 1
MicroWatt Power = 1000 * NanoWatt
MilliWatt Power = 1000 * MicroWatt
Watt Power = 1000 * MilliWatt
KiloWatt Power = 1000 * Watt
MegaWatt Power = 1000 * KiloWatt
GigaWatt Power = 1000 * MegaWatt
// Energy is a measurement of work stored as a nano joules.
// The highest representable value is 9.2GJ.
type Energy int64
// String returns the energy formatted as a string in Joules.
func (e Energy) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(e)) + "J"
const (
// Joule is a unit of work. kg⋅m²⋅s⁻²
NanoJoule Energy = 1
MicroJoule Energy = 1000 * NanoJoule
MilliJoule Energy = 1000 * MicroJoule
Joule Energy = 1000 * MilliJoule
KiloJoule Energy = 1000 * Joule
MegaJoule Energy = 1000 * KiloJoule
GigaJoule Energy = 1000 * MegaJoule
// ElectricalCapacitance is a measurement of capacitance stored as a pico farad.
// The highest representable value is 9.2MF.
type ElectricalCapacitance int64
// String returns the energy formatted as a string in Farad.
func (c ElectricalCapacitance) String() string {
return picoAsString(int64(c)) + "F"
const (
// Farad is a unit of capacitance. kg⁻¹⋅m⁻²⋅s⁴A²
PicoFarad ElectricalCapacitance = 1
NanoFarad ElectricalCapacitance = 1000 * PicoFarad
MicroFarad ElectricalCapacitance = 1000 * NanoFarad
MilliFarad ElectricalCapacitance = 1000 * MicroFarad
Farad ElectricalCapacitance = 1000 * MilliFarad
KiloFarad ElectricalCapacitance = 1000 * Farad
MegaFarad ElectricalCapacitance = 1000 * KiloFarad
// LuminousIntensity is a measurement of the quantity of visible light energy
// emitted per unit solid angle with wavelength power weighted by a luminosity
// function which represents the human eye's response to different wavelengths.
// The CIE 1931 luminosity function is the SI standard for candela.
// LuminousIntensity is stored as nano candela.
// This is one of the base unit in the International System of Units.
// The highest representable value is 9.2Gcd.
type LuminousIntensity int64
// String returns the energy formatted as a string in Candela.
func (l LuminousIntensity) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(l)) + "cd"
const (
// Candela is a unit of luminous intensity. cd
NanoCandela LuminousIntensity = 1
MicroCandela LuminousIntensity = 1000 * NanoCandela
MilliCandela LuminousIntensity = 1000 * MicroCandela
Candela LuminousIntensity = 1000 * MilliCandela
KiloCandela LuminousIntensity = 1000 * Candela
MegaCandela LuminousIntensity = 1000 * KiloCandela
GigaCandela LuminousIntensity = 1000 * MegaCandela
// LuminousFlux is a measurement of total quantity of visible light energy
// emitted with wavelength power weighted by a luminosity function which
// represents a model of the human eye's response to different wavelengths.
// The CIE 1931 luminosity function is the standard for lumens.
// LuminousFlux is stored as nano lumens.
// The highest representable value is 9.2Glm.
type LuminousFlux int64
// String returns the energy formatted as a string in Lumens.
func (f LuminousFlux) String() string {
return nanoAsString(int64(f)) + "lm"
const (
// Lumen is a unit of luminous flux. cd⋅sr
NanoLumen LuminousFlux = 1
MicroLumen LuminousFlux = 1000 * NanoLumen
MilliLumen LuminousFlux = 1000 * MicroLumen
Lumen LuminousFlux = 1000 * MilliLumen
KiloLumen LuminousFlux = 1000 * Lumen
MegaLumen LuminousFlux = 1000 * KiloLumen
GigaLumen LuminousFlux = 1000 * MegaLumen
func prefixZeros(digits, v int) string {
// digits is expected to be around 2~3.
s := strconv.Itoa(v)
for len(s) < digits {
// O(n²) but since digits is expected to run 2~3 times at most, it doesn't
// matter.
s = "0" + s
return s
// nanoAsString converts a value in S.I. unit in a string with the predefined
// prefix.
func nanoAsString(v int64) string {
sign := ""
if v < 0 {
if v == -9223372036854775808 {
sign = "-"
v = -v
var frac int
var base int
var precision int64
unit := ""
switch {
case v >= 999999500000000001:
precision = v % 1000000000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000000000)
if precision > 500000000000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "G"
case v >= 999999500000001:
precision = v % 1000000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000000)
if precision > 500000000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "M"
case v >= 999999500001:
precision = v % 1000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000)
if precision > 500000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "k"
case v >= 999999501:
precision = v % 1000000
base = int(v / 1000000)
if precision > 500000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = ""
case v >= 1000000:
precision = v % 1000
base = int(v / 1000)
if precision > 500 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "m"
case v >= 1000:
frac = int(v) % 1000
base = int(v) / 1000
unit = "µ"
if v == 0 {
return "0"
base = int(v)
unit = "n"
if frac == 0 {
return sign + strconv.Itoa(base) + unit
return sign + strconv.Itoa(base) + "." + prefixZeros(3, frac) + unit
// microAsString converts a value in S.I. unit in a string with the predefined
// prefix.
func microAsString(v int64) string {
sign := ""
if v < 0 {
if v == -9223372036854775808 {
sign = "-"
v = -v
var frac int
var base int
var precision int64
unit := ""
switch {
case v >= 999999500000000001:
precision = v % 1000000000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000000000)
if precision > 500000000000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "T"
case v >= 999999500000001:
precision = v % 1000000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000000)
if precision > 500000000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "G"
case v >= 999999500001:
precision = v % 1000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000)
if precision > 500000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "M"
case v >= 999999501:
precision = v % 1000000
base = int(v / 1000000)
if precision > 500000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "k"
case v >= 1000000:
precision = v % 1000
base = int(v / 1000)
if precision > 500 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = ""
case v >= 1000:
frac = int(v) % 1000
base = int(v) / 1000
unit = "m"
if v == 0 {
return "0"
base = int(v)
unit = "µ"
if frac == 0 {
return sign + strconv.Itoa(base) + unit
return sign + strconv.Itoa(base) + "." + prefixZeros(3, frac) + unit
// picoAsString converts a value in S.I. unit in a string with the predefined
// prefix.
func picoAsString(v int64) string {
sign := ""
if v < 0 {
if v == -9223372036854775808 {
sign = "-"
v = -v
var frac int
var base int
var precision int64
unit := ""
switch {
case v >= 999999500000000001:
precision = v % 1000000000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000000000)
if precision > 500000000000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "M"
case v >= 999999500000001:
precision = v % 1000000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000000)
if precision > 500000000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "k"
case v >= 999999500001:
precision = v % 1000000000
base = int(v / 1000000000)
if precision > 500000000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = ""
case v >= 999999501:
precision = v % 1000000
base = int(v / 1000000)
if precision > 500000 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "m"
case v >= 1000000:
precision = v % 1000
base = int(v / 1000)
if precision > 500 {
frac = (base % 1000)
base = base / 1000
unit = "µ"
case v >= 1000:
frac = int(v) % 1000
base = int(v) / 1000
unit = "n"
if v == 0 {
return "0"
base = int(v)
unit = "p"
if frac == 0 {
return sign + strconv.Itoa(base) + unit
return sign + strconv.Itoa(base) + "." + prefixZeros(3, frac) + unit
// Decimal is the exact representation of decimal number.
type decimal struct {
// digits hold the string representation of the significant decimal digits.
digits string
// exponent is the left or right decimal shift. (powers of ten).
exp int
// neg it true if the number is negative.
neg bool
// Positive powers of 10 in the form such that powerOF10[index] = 10^index.
var powerOf10 = [...]uint64{
// Maximum value for a int64.
const maxInt64 = (1<<63 - 1)
var maxUint64Str = "9223372036854775807"
// Converts from decimal to int64, using the decimal.digits character values and
// converting to a intermediate unit64.
// Scale is combined with the decimal exponent to maximise the resolution and is
// in powers of ten.
func dtoi(d decimal, scale int) (int64, error) {
// Use uint till the last as it allows checks for overflows.
var u uint64
for i := 0; i < len(d.digits); i++ {
// Check that is is a digit.
if d.digits[i] >= '0' && d.digits[i] <= '9' {
// '0' = 0x30 '1' = 0x31 ...etc.
digit := d.digits[i] - '0'
// *10 is decimal shift left.
u *= 10
check := u + uint64(digit)
// Check should always be larger than u unless we have overflowed.
// Similarly if check > max it will overflow when converted to int64.
if check < u || check > maxInt64 {
if d.neg {
return -maxInt64, &parseError{
s: "-" + maxUint64Str,
err: errors.New("overflows minimum is"),
return maxInt64, &parseError{
s: maxUint64Str,
err: errors.New("overflows maximum is"),
u = check
} else {
// Should not get here if used atod to generate the decimal.
return 0, &parseError{err: errors.New("not a number")}
// Get the total magnitude of the number.
// a^x * b^y = a*b^(x+y) since scale is of the order unity this becomes
// 1^x * b^y = b^(x+y).
// mag must be positive to use as index in to powerOf10 array.
mag := d.exp + scale
if mag < 0 {
mag *= -1
if mag > 18 {
return 0, errors.New("exponent exceeds int64")
// Divide is = 10^(-mag)
if d.exp+scale < 0 {
u = (u + powerOf10[mag]/2) / powerOf10[mag]
} else {
check := u * powerOf10[mag]
if check < u || check > maxInt64 {
if d.neg {
return -maxInt64, &parseError{
s: "-" + maxUint64Str,
err: errors.New("overflows minimum is"),
return maxInt64, &parseError{
s: maxUint64Str,
err: errors.New("overflows maximum is"),
u *= powerOf10[mag]
n := int64(u)
if d.neg {
n *= -1
return n, nil
// Converts a string to a decimal form. The return int is how many bytes of the
// string are numeric. The string may contain +-0 prefixes and arbitrary
// suffixes as trailing non number characters are ignored.
// Significant digits are stored without leading or trailing zeros, rather an
// exponent is used.
func atod(s string) (decimal, int, error) {
var d decimal
start := 0
dp := 0
end := len(s)
seenDigit := false
seenZero := false
isPoint := false
seenPlus := false
// Strip leading zeros, +/- and mark DP.
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
switch {
case s[i] == '-':
if seenDigit {
end = i
if seenPlus {
return decimal{}, 0, &parseError{
s: s,
err: errors.New("can't contain both plus and minus symbols"),
if d.neg {
return decimal{}, 0, &parseError{
s: s,
err: errors.New("multiple minus symbols"),
d.neg = true
case s[i] == '+':
if seenDigit {
end = i
if d.neg {
return decimal{}, 0, &parseError{
s: s,
err: errors.New("can't contain both plus and minus symbols"),
if seenPlus {
return decimal{}, 0, &parseError{
s: s,
err: errors.New("multiple plus symbols"),
seenPlus = true
case s[i] == '.':
if isPoint {
return decimal{}, 0, &parseError{
s: s,
err: errors.New("multiple decimal points"),
isPoint = true
dp = i
if !seenDigit {
case s[i] == '0':
if !seenDigit {
seenZero = true
case s[i] >= '1' && s[i] <= '9':
seenDigit = true
if !seenDigit && !seenZero {
return decimal{}, 0, &parseError{
s: s,
err: errors.New("is not a number"),
end = i
last := end
seenDigit = false
exp := 0
// Strip non significant zeros to find base exponent.
for i := end - 1; i > start-1; i-- {
switch {
case s[i] >= '1' && s[i] <= '9':
seenDigit = true
case s[i] == '.':
if !seenDigit {
case s[i] == '0':
if !seenDigit {
if i > dp {
if i <= dp || dp == 0 {
if dp > start && dp < end {
// Concatenate with out decimal point.
d.digits = s[start:dp] + s[dp+1:end]
} else {
d.digits = s[start:end]
if !isPoint {
d.exp = exp
} else {
ttl := dp - start
length := len(d.digits)
if ttl > 0 {
d.exp = ttl - length
} else {
d.exp = ttl - length + 1
return d, last, nil
type parseError struct {
s string
position int
err error
func (p *parseError) Error() string {
if p.err == nil {
return "parse error"
if p.s == "" {
return "parse error: " + p.err.Error()
return "parse error: " + p.err.Error() + ": \"" + p.s + "\""
func noUnits(s string) error {
return &parseError{s: s, err: errors.New("no units provided, need")}
type prefix int
const (
pico prefix = -12
nano prefix = -9
micro prefix = -6
milli prefix = -3
none prefix = 0
deca prefix = 1
hecto prefix = 2
kilo prefix = 3
mega prefix = 6
giga prefix = 9
tera prefix = 12
func parseSIPrefix(r rune) (prefix, int) {
switch r {
case 'p':
return pico, len("p")
case 'n':
return nano, len("n")
case 'u':
return micro, len("u")
case 'µ':
return micro, len("µ")
case 'm':
return milli, len("m")
case 'k':
return kilo, len("k")
case 'M':
return mega, len("M")
case 'G':
return giga, len("G")
case 'T':
return tera, len("T")
return none, 0