
88 lines
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package logfile
import (
// var validUUID = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-4[a-fA-F0-9]{3}-[8|9|aA|bB][a-fA-F0-9]{3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$")
var timeFormat = time.RFC3339
// CompressTemperature compresses the temperatures from an array. It is checked
// whether the measured temperature of a value corresponds to that of the
// predecessor. If this is the case, the current value is discarded and the
// validity date of the predecessor value is set to that of the current value.
// No information is lost as a result. The validity period of the measured value
// is thereby exclusively increased.
// func Compression(measuredValues []types) []*types.Temperature {
// compressedTemperatures := make([]*types.Temperature, 0)
// lastTemperatureBySensors := make(map[string]*types.Temperature, 0)
// // Sort all measured temperatures beforehand by the starting validity date to
// // avoid errors when compressing the temperatures.
// SortTemperatures(temperatures)
// for _, temperature := range temperatures {
// if lastTemperatureBySensor, ok := lastTemperatureBySensors[temperature.SensorID]; ok {
// if lastTemperatureBySensor.TemperatureValue == temperature.TemperatureValue {
// lastTemperatureBySensors[temperature.SensorID].TemperatureTillDate = temperature.TemperatureTillDate
// now := time.Now()
// lastTemperatureBySensors[temperature.SensorID].UpdateDate = &now
// } else {
// compressedTemperatures = append(compressedTemperatures, lastTemperatureBySensors[temperature.SensorID])
// lastTemperatureBySensors[temperature.SensorID] = temperature
// }
// } else {
// lastTemperatureBySensors[temperature.SensorID] = temperature
// }
// }
// // Copy all remaining entries from the map into the array
// for _, lastTemperatureBySensor := range lastTemperatureBySensors {
// compressedTemperatures = append(compressedTemperatures, lastTemperatureBySensor)
// }
// return compressedTemperatures
// }
// New returns a log file with basic functions for reading and writing data. The
// file extension of the logfile is taken into account to format the logfile
// into the correct format.
func New(logfile string) Logfile {
ext := filepath.Join(logfile)
switch ext {
// case ".csv":
// return &csvLogfile{
// logfile: logfile,
// }
case ".json":
return &jsonLogfile{
logfile: logfile,
// case ".xml":
// return &xmlLogfile{
// logfile: logfile,
// }
return &jsonLogfile{
logfile: logfile,
func writeCreationDate(measuredValues []types.MeasuredValue) {
now := time.Now()
for _, measuredValue := range measuredValues {
if measuredValue.GetCreationDate() == nil {