2018-12-07 20:42:30 +01:00

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// Copyright 2017 The Periph Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package i2creg defines I²C bus registry to list buses present on the host.
package i2creg
import (
// Opener opens an handle to a bus.
// It is provided by the actual bus driver.
type Opener func() (i2c.BusCloser, error)
// Ref references an I²C bus.
// It is returned by All() to enumerate all registered buses.
type Ref struct {
// Name of the bus.
// It must not be a sole number. It must be unique across the host.
Name string
// Aliases are the alternative names that can be used to reference this bus.
Aliases []string
// Number of the bus or -1 if the bus doesn't have any "native" number.
// Buses provided by the CPU normally have a 0 based number. Buses provided
// via an addon (like over USB) generally are not numbered.
Number int
// Open is the factory to open an handle to this I²C bus.
Open Opener
// Open opens an I²C bus by its name, an alias or its number and returns an
// handle to it.
// Specify the empty string "" to get the first available bus. This is the
// recommended default value unless an application knows the exact bus to use.
// Each bus can register multiple aliases, each leading to the same bus handle.
// "Bus number" is a generic concept that is highly dependent on the platform
// and OS. On some platform, the first bus may have the number 0, 1 or higher.
// Bus numbers are not necessarily continuous and may not start at 0. It was
// observed that the bus number as reported by the OS may change across OS
// revisions.
// When the I²C bus is provided by an off board plug and play bus like USB via
// a FT232H USB device, there can be no associated number.
func Open(name string) (i2c.BusCloser, error) {
var r *Ref
var err error
func() {
defer mu.Unlock()
if len(byName) == 0 {
err = errors.New("i2creg: no bus found; did you forget to call Init()?")
if len(name) == 0 {
r = getDefault()
// Try by name, by alias, by number.
if r = byName[name]; r == nil {
if r = byAlias[name]; r == nil {
if i, err2 := strconv.Atoi(name); err2 == nil {
r = byNumber[i]
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if r == nil {
return nil, errors.New("i2creg: can't open unknown bus: " + strconv.Quote(name))
return r.Open()
// All returns a copy of all the registered references to all know I²C buses
// available on this host.
// The list is sorted by the bus name.
func All() []*Ref {
defer mu.Unlock()
out := make([]*Ref, 0, len(byName))
for _, v := range byName {
r := &Ref{Name: v.Name, Aliases: make([]string, len(v.Aliases)), Number: v.Number, Open: v.Open}
copy(r.Aliases, v.Aliases)
out = insertRef(out, r)
return out
// Register registers an I²C bus.
// Registering the same bus name twice is an error, e.g. o.Name(). o.Number()
// can be -1 to signify that the bus doesn't have an inherent "bus number". A
// good example is a bus provided over a FT232H device connected on an USB bus.
// In this case, the bus name should be created from the serial number of the
// device for unique identification.
func Register(name string, aliases []string, number int, o Opener) error {
if len(name) == 0 {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register a bus with no name")
if o == nil {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with nil Opener")
if number < -1 {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with invalid bus number " + strconv.Itoa(number))
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(name); err == nil {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with name being only a number")
if strings.Contains(name, ":") {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with name containing ':'")
for _, alias := range aliases {
if len(alias) == 0 {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with an empty alias")
if name == alias {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with an alias the same as the bus name")
if _, err := strconv.Atoi(alias); err == nil {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with an alias that is a number: " + strconv.Quote(alias))
if strings.Contains(alias, ":") {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " with an alias containing ':': " + strconv.Quote(alias))
defer mu.Unlock()
if _, ok := byName[name]; ok {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " twice")
if _, ok := byAlias[name]; ok {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " twice; it is already an alias")
if number != -1 {
if _, ok := byNumber[number]; ok {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + "; bus number " + strconv.Itoa(number) + " is already registered")
for _, alias := range aliases {
if _, ok := byName[alias]; ok {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " twice; alias " + strconv.Quote(alias) + " is already a bus")
if _, ok := byAlias[alias]; ok {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't register bus " + strconv.Quote(name) + " twice; alias " + strconv.Quote(alias) + " is already an alias")
r := &Ref{Name: name, Aliases: make([]string, len(aliases)), Number: number, Open: o}
copy(r.Aliases, aliases)
byName[name] = r
if number != -1 {
byNumber[number] = r
for _, alias := range aliases {
byAlias[alias] = r
return nil
// Unregister removes a previously registered I²C bus.
// This can happen when an I²C bus is exposed via an USB device and the device
// is unplugged.
func Unregister(name string) error {
defer mu.Unlock()
r := byName[name]
if r == nil {
return errors.New("i2creg: can't unregister unknown bus name " + strconv.Quote(name))
delete(byName, name)
delete(byNumber, r.Number)
for _, alias := range r.Aliases {
delete(byAlias, alias)
return nil
var (
mu sync.Mutex
byName = map[string]*Ref{}
// Caches
byNumber = map[int]*Ref{}
byAlias = map[string]*Ref{}
// getDefault returns the Ref that should be used as the default bus.
func getDefault() *Ref {
var o *Ref
if len(byNumber) == 0 {
// Fallback to use byName using a lexical sort.
name := ""
for n, o2 := range byName {
if len(name) == 0 || n < name {
o = o2
name = n
return o
number := int((^uint(0)) >> 1)
for n, o2 := range byNumber {
if number > n {
number = n
o = o2
return o
func insertRef(l []*Ref, r *Ref) []*Ref {
n := r.Name
i := search(len(l), func(i int) bool { return l[i].Name > n })
l = append(l, nil)
copy(l[i+1:], l[i:])
l[i] = r
return l
// search implements the same algorithm as sort.Search().
// It was extracted to to not depend on sort, which depends on reflect.
func search(n int, f func(int) bool) int {
lo := 0
for hi := n; lo < hi; {
if i := int(uint(lo+hi) >> 1); !f(i) {
lo = i + 1
} else {
hi = i
return lo