2018-12-07 20:42:30 +01:00

331 lines
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// Copyright 2017 The Periph Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package bcm283x
import (
// errClockRegister is returned in a situation where the clock memory is not
// working as expected. It is mocked in tests.
var errClockRegister = errors.New("can't write to clock divisor CPU register")
// Clock sources frequency in hertz.
const (
clk19dot2MHz = 19200 * physic.KiloHertz
clk500MHz = 500 * physic.MegaHertz
const (
// 31:24 password
clockPasswdCtl clockCtl = 0x5A << 24 // PASSWD
// 23:11 reserved
clockMashMask clockCtl = 3 << 9 // MASH
clockMash0 clockCtl = 0 << 9 // src_freq / divI (ignores divF)
clockMash1 clockCtl = 1 << 9
clockMash2 clockCtl = 2 << 9
clockMash3 clockCtl = 3 << 9 // will cause higher spread
clockFlip clockCtl = 1 << 8 // FLIP
clockBusy clockCtl = 1 << 7 // BUSY
// 6 reserved
clockKill clockCtl = 1 << 5 // KILL
clockEnable clockCtl = 1 << 4 // ENAB
clockSrcMask clockCtl = 0xF << 0 // SRC
clockSrcGND clockCtl = 0 // 0Hz
clockSrc19dot2MHz clockCtl = 1 // 19.2MHz
clockSrcTestDebug0 clockCtl = 2 // 0Hz
clockSrcTestDebug1 clockCtl = 3 // 0Hz
clockSrcPLLA clockCtl = 4 // 0Hz
clockSrcPLLC clockCtl = 5 // 1000MHz (changes with overclock settings)
clockSrcPLLD clockCtl = 6 // 500MHz
clockSrcHDMI clockCtl = 7 // 216MHz; may be disabled
// 8-15 == GND.
// clockCtl controls the clock properties.
// It must not be changed while busy is set or a glitch may occur.
// Page 107
type clockCtl uint32
func (c clockCtl) String() string {
var out []string
if c&0xFF000000 == clockPasswdCtl {
c &^= 0xFF000000
out = append(out, "PWD")
switch c & clockMashMask {
case clockMash1:
out = append(out, "Mash1")
case clockMash2:
out = append(out, "Mash2")
case clockMash3:
out = append(out, "Mash3")
c &^= clockMashMask
if c&clockFlip != 0 {
out = append(out, "Flip")
c &^= clockFlip
if c&clockBusy != 0 {
out = append(out, "Busy")
c &^= clockBusy
if c&clockKill != 0 {
out = append(out, "Kill")
c &^= clockKill
if c&clockEnable != 0 {
out = append(out, "Enable")
c &^= clockEnable
switch x := c & clockSrcMask; x {
case clockSrcGND:
out = append(out, "GND(0Hz)")
case clockSrc19dot2MHz:
out = append(out, "19.2MHz")
case clockSrcTestDebug0:
out = append(out, "Debug0(0Hz)")
case clockSrcTestDebug1:
out = append(out, "Debug1(0Hz)")
case clockSrcPLLA:
out = append(out, "PLLA(0Hz)")
case clockSrcPLLC:
out = append(out, "PLLD(1000MHz)")
case clockSrcPLLD:
out = append(out, "PLLD(500MHz)")
case clockSrcHDMI:
out = append(out, "HDMI(216MHz)")
out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("GND(%d)", x))
c &^= clockSrcMask
if c != 0 {
out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("clockCtl(0x%0x)", uint32(c)))
return strings.Join(out, "|")
const (
// 31:24 password
clockPasswdDiv clockDiv = 0x5A << 24 // PASSWD
// Integer part of the divisor
clockDiviShift = 12
clockDiviMax = (1 << 12) - 1
clockDiviMask clockDiv = clockDiviMax << clockDiviShift // DIVI
// Fractional part of the divisor
clockDivfMask clockDiv = (1 << 12) - 1 // DIVF
// clockDiv is a 12.12 fixed point value.
// The fractional part generates a significant amount of noise so it is
// preferable to not use it.
// Page 108
type clockDiv uint32
func (c clockDiv) String() string {
i := (c & clockDiviMask) >> clockDiviShift
c &^= clockDiviMask
if c == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.0", i)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d.(%d/%d)", i, c, clockDiviMax)
// clock is a pair of clockCtl / clockDiv.
// It can be set to one of the sources: clockSrc19dot2MHz(19.2MHz) and
// clockSrcPLLD(500Mhz), then divided to a value to get the resulting clock.
// Per spec the resulting frequency should be under 25Mhz.
type clock struct {
ctl clockCtl
div clockDiv
// findDivisorExact finds the clock divisor and wait cycles to reduce src to
// desired hz.
// The clock divisor is capped to clockDiviMax.
// Returns clock divisor, wait cycles. Returns 0, 0 if no exact match is found.
// Favorizes high clock divisor value over high clock wait cycles. This means
// that the function is slower than it could be, but results in more stable
// clock.
func findDivisorExact(src, desired physic.Frequency, maxWaitCycles uint32) (uint32, uint32) {
if src < desired || src%desired != 0 || src/physic.Frequency(maxWaitCycles*clockDiviMax) > desired {
// Can't attain without oversampling (too low) or desired frequency is
// higher than the source (too high) or is not a multiple.
return 0, 0
factor := uint32(src / desired)
// TODO(maruel): Only iterate over valid divisors to save a bit more
// calculations. Since it's is only doing 32 loops, this is not a big deal.
for wait := uint32(1); wait <= maxWaitCycles; wait++ {
if rest := factor % wait; rest != 0 {
clk := factor / wait
if clk == 0 {
if clk <= clockDiviMax {
return clk, wait
return 0, 0
// findDivisorOversampled tries to find the lowest allowed oversampling to make
// desiredHz a multiple of srcHz.
// Allowed oversampling depends on the desiredHz. Cap oversampling because
// oversampling at 10x in the 1Mhz range becomes unreasonable in term of
// memory usage.
func findDivisorOversampled(src, desired physic.Frequency, maxWaitCycles uint32) (uint32, uint32, physic.Frequency) {
//log.Printf("findDivisorOversampled(%s, %s, %d)", src, desired, maxWaitCycles)
// There are 2 reasons:
// - desired is so low it is not possible to lower src to this frequency
// - not a multiple, there's a need for a prime number
// TODO(maruel): Rewrite without a loop, this is not needed. Leverage primes
// to reduce the number of iterations.
for multiple := physic.Frequency(2); ; multiple++ {
n := multiple * desired
if n > 100*physic.KiloHertz && multiple > 10 {
if clk, wait := findDivisorExact(src, n, maxWaitCycles); clk != 0 {
return clk, wait, n
return 0, 0, 0
// calcSource choose the best source to get the exact desired clock.
// It calculates the clock source, the clock divisor and the wait cycles, if
// applicable. Wait cycles is 'div minus 1'.
func calcSource(f physic.Frequency, maxWaitCycles uint32) (clockCtl, uint32, uint32, physic.Frequency, error) {
if f < physic.Hertz {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("bcm283x-clock: desired frequency %s must be >1hz", f)
if f > 125*physic.MegaHertz {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("bcm283x-clock: desired frequency %s is too high", f)
// states that clockSrc19dot2MHz
// is the cleanest clock source so try it first.
div, wait := findDivisorExact(clk19dot2MHz, f, maxWaitCycles)
if div != 0 {
return clockSrc19dot2MHz, div, wait, f, nil
// Try 500Mhz.
div, wait = findDivisorExact(clk500MHz, f, maxWaitCycles)
if div != 0 {
return clockSrcPLLD, div, wait, f, nil
// Try with up to 10x oversampling. This is generally useful for lower
// frequencies, below 10kHz. Prefer the one with less oversampling. Only for
// non-aliased matches.
div19, wait19, f19 := findDivisorOversampled(clk19dot2MHz, f, maxWaitCycles)
div500, wait500, f500 := findDivisorOversampled(clk500MHz, f, maxWaitCycles)
if div19 != 0 && (div500 == 0 || f19 < f500) {
return clockSrc19dot2MHz, div19, wait19, f19, nil
if div500 != 0 {
return clockSrcPLLD, div500, wait500, f500, nil
return 0, 0, 0, 0, errors.New("failed to find a good clock")
// set changes the clock frequency to the desired value or the closest one
// otherwise.
// f=0 means disabled.
// maxWaitCycles is the maximum oversampling via an additional wait cycles that
// can further divide the clock. Use 1 if no additional wait cycle is
// available. It is expected to be dmaWaitcyclesMax+1.
// Returns the actual clock used and divisor.
func (c *clock) set(f physic.Frequency, maxWaitCycles uint32) (physic.Frequency, uint32, error) {
if f == 0 {
c.ctl = clockPasswdCtl | clockKill
for c.ctl&clockBusy != 0 {
return 0, 0, nil
ctl, div, div2, actual, err := calcSource(f, maxWaitCycles)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, err
return actual, div2, c.setRaw(ctl, div)
// setRaw sets the clock speed with the clock source and the divisor.
func (c *clock) setRaw(ctl clockCtl, div uint32) error {
if div < 1 || div > clockDiviMax {
return errors.New("invalid clock divisor")
if ctl != clockSrc19dot2MHz && ctl != clockSrcPLLD {
return errors.New("invalid clock control")
// Stop the clock.
// TODO(maruel): Do not stop the clock if the current clock rate is the one
// desired.
for c.ctl&clockBusy != 0 {
c.ctl = clockPasswdCtl | clockKill
d := clockDiv(div << clockDiviShift)
c.div = clockPasswdDiv | d
Nanospin(10 * time.Nanosecond)
// Page 107
c.ctl = clockPasswdCtl | ctl
Nanospin(10 * time.Nanosecond)
c.ctl = clockPasswdCtl | ctl | clockEnable
if c.div != d {
// This error is mocked out in tests, so the code path of set() callers can
// follow on.
return errClockRegister
return nil
func (c *clock) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s / %s", c.ctl, c.div)
// clockMap is the memory mapped clock registers.
// The clock #1 must not be touched since it is being used by the ethernet
// controller.
// Page 107 for gp0~gp2.
// for PCM/PWM.
type clockMap struct {
reserved0 [0x70 / 4]uint32 //
gp0 clock // CM_GP0CTL+CM_GP0DIV; 0x70-0x74 (125MHz max)
gp1ctl uint32 // CM_GP1CTL+CM_GP1DIV; 0x78-0x7A must not use (used by ethernet)
gp1div uint32 // CM_GP1CTL+CM_GP1DIV; 0x78-0x7A must not use (used by ethernet)
gp2 clock // CM_GP2CTL+CM_GP2DIV; 0x80-0x84 (125MHz max)
reserved1 [(0x98 - 0x88) / 4]uint32 // 0x88-0x94
pcm clock // CM_PCMCTL+CM_PCMDIV 0x98-0x9C
pwm clock // CM_PWMCTL+CM_PWMDIV 0xA0-0xA4
func (c *clockMap) GoString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"{\n gp0: %s,\n gp1: %s,\n gp2: %s,\n pcm: %sw,\n pwm: %s,\n}",
&c.gp0, &clock{clockCtl(c.gp1ctl), clockDiv(c.gp1div)}, &c.gp2, &c.pcm, &c.pwm)