--- - name: "Create config directory of DNS zone {{ zone.config.origin }}" ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ bind_config_directory }}/{{ zone.file | dirname }}" owner: "{{ bind_unix_user }}" group: "{{ bind_unix_group }}" mode: "0755" state: directory with_items: - "{{ view.zones }}" loop_control: loop_var: zone when: zone.file is defined and zone.file | length > 0 - name: "Template view {{ view.name }}" ansible.builtin.template: src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}/etc/named/{{ zone.file }}.j2" dest: "{{ bind_config_directory + '/' + zone.file }}" owner: "{{ bind_unix_user }}" group: "{{ bind_unix_group }}" mode: "0644" with_items: - "{{ view.zones }}" loop_control: loop_var: zone when: zone.config.type == 'master' notify: Restart named - name: Check if last character in zone files is a newline ansible.builtin.include_tasks: verify_zone_file.yml with_items: - "{{ view.zones }}" loop_control: loop_var: zone when: zone.config.type == 'master' - name: Sign Zones ansible.builtin.include_tasks: sign_zone_file.yml with_items: - "{{ view.zones }}" loop_control: loop_var: zone when: zone.config.type == 'master' and bind9_dnssec_keys | selectattr('origin', 'in', zone.config.origin) | map(attribute='zone_signing_key') | length > 0 and (bind9_dnssec_keys | selectattr('origin', 'in', zone.config.origin) | map(attribute='zone_signing_key'))[0].private | length > 0 and (bind9_dnssec_keys | selectattr('origin', 'in', zone.config.origin) | map(attribute='zone_signing_key'))[0].public | length > 0