# athens-proxy-charts [![Build Status](https://drone.cryptic.systems/api/badges/volker.raschek/athens-proxy-charts/status.svg)](https://drone.cryptic.systems/volker.raschek/athens-proxy-charts) [![Artifact Hub](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://artifacthub.io/badge/repository/volker-raschek)](https://artifacthub.io/packages/search?repo=volker-raschek) This is an inofficial helm chart of the go-proxy [athens](https://github.com/gomods/athens) which supports more complex configuration options. This helm chart can be found on [artifacthub.io](https://artifacthub.io/) and can be installed via helm. ```bash helm repo add volker.raschek https://charts.cryptic.systems/volker.raschek helm install athens-proxy volker.raschek/athens-proxy ``` ## Customization The complete deployment can be adapted via the `values.yaml` files. The configuration of the proxy can be done via the environment variables described below or via mounting the config.toml as additional persistent volume to `/config/config.toml` ## Access private repositories via SSH Create a `configmap.yaml` with multiple keys. One key describe the content of the `.gitconfig` file and another of `config` of the ssh client. All requests git clone comands with the prefix `http://github.com/` will be replaced by `git@github.com:` to use SSH instead of HTTPS. The SSH keys are stored in a separate secret. ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: custom-configs data: sshconfig: | Host github.com IdentifyFile /root/.ssh/id_ed25519 StrictHostKeyChecking no gitconfig: | [url "git@github.com:"] insteadOf = https://github.com/ ``` The secret definition below contains the SSH private and public key. ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: custom-ssh-keys type: Opaque stringData: id_ed25519: | -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- b3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAABG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW QyNTUxOQAAACCpf/10TWlksg6/5mZF067fTGvW71I5QVJEp/nyC8hVHgAAAJgwWWNdMFlj XQAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACCpf/10TWlksg6/5mZF067fTGvW71I5QVJEp/nyC8hVHg AAAEDzTPitanzgl6iThoFCx8AXwsGLS5Q+3+K66ZOmN0p6+6l//XRNaWSyDr/mZkXTrt9M a9bvUjlBUkSn+fILyFUeAAAAEG1hcmt1c0BtYXJrdXMtcGMBAgMEBQ== -----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- id_ed25519.pub: | ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKl//XRNaWSyDr/mZkXTrt9Ma9bvUjlBUkSn+fILyFUe ``` The item `config` of the configmap will be merged with the items of the secret as virtual volume. This volume can than be mounted with special permissions required for the ssh client. ```yaml extraVolumes: - name: ssh projected: defaultMode: 0644 sources: - configMap: name: custom-configs items: - key: sshconfig path: config - secret: name: custom-ssh-keys items: - key: id_ed25519 path: id_ed25519 mode: 0600 - key: id_ed25519.pub path: id_ed25519.pub - name: gitconfig configMap: name: custom-configs items: - key: gitconfig path: config mode: 0644 extraVolumeMounts: - name: ssh mountPath: /root/.ssh - name: gitconfig mountPath: /root/.config/git ``` ## Access private github.com repositories via developer token Another way to access private github repositories is via a github token, which can be set via the environment variable `GITHUB_TOKEN`. Athens automatically creates a `.netrc` file to access private github repositories. ## Access private repositories via .netrc configuration As describe above, a `.netrc` file is responsible for the authentication via HTTP. The file can also be defined via a custom secret and mounted into the home directory of `root` for general authentication purpose. The example below describe the definition and mounting of a custom `.netrc` file to access private repositories hosted on github and gitlab. ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: custom-netrc type: Opaque stringData: netrc: | machine github.com login USERNAME password API-KEY machine gitlab.com login USERNAME password API-KEY ``` The file must then be mounted via extraVolumes and extraVolumeMounts. ```yaml extraVolumes: - name: netrc secret: secretName: custom-netrc items: - key: netrc path: .netrc mode: 0600 extraVolumeMounts: - name: netrc mountPath: /root ``` ## Persistent storage Unlike the athens default, the default here is `disk` - i.e. the files are written to the container. Therefore, it is advisable to outsource the corresponding storage location to persistent storage. The following example describes the integration of a persistent storage claim. ```yaml extraVolumes: - name: gomodules persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: custom-gomodules-pvc extraVolumeMounts: - name: gomodules mountPath: /var/lib/athens ```