# bruteforce-wallet-docker [![Build Status](https://drone.cryptic.systems/api/badges/volker.raschek/bruteforce-wallet-docker/status.svg)](https://drone.cryptic.systems/volker.raschek/bruteforce-wallet-docker) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/volkerraschek/bruteforce-wallet)](https://hub.docker.com/r/volkerraschek/bruteforce-wallet) This project contains all sources to build the container image `docker.io/volkerraschek/bruteforce-wallet`. The primary goal of this project is to package the binary `bruteforce-wallet` as container image to provide the functionally for CI/CD workflows. The source code of the binary can be found in the upstream project of [bruteforce-wallet](https://github.com/glv2/bruteforce-wallet). ## Usage The following example mounts the file `wallet.dat` located in the same directory where the command is executed into the container filesystem as `/tmp/wallet.dat`. We also set some additional options, such as the password starting with `foo` and ending with `bar`. In addition, we know that the password consists only of lower case letters and is between 4 and 8 characters long. ```bash docker run \ --rm \ --volume wallet.dat:/tmp/wallet.dat \ -b foo \ -e bar \ -s abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz \ -l 4 \ -m 8 \ /tmp/wallet.dat ```