# Default values for drone. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. replicaCount: 1 image: repository: docker.io/drone/drone-runner-kube pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. tag: "" imagePullSecrets: [] nameOverride: "" fullnameOverride: "" podAnnotations: {} podSecurityContext: {} # fsGroup: 2000 securityContext: {} # capabilities: # drop: # - ALL # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true # runAsNonRoot: true # runAsUser: 1000 config: {} # DRONE_ANNOTATIONS_DEFAULT # Optional string map. Provides a set of default annotations used when # creating the pipeline pod. The default annotation values are appended to the # annotations defined in the yaml. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-annotations-default/ # DRONE_ANNOTATIONS_DEFAULT: "keyA:valueA,keyB:valueB" # DRONE_DEBUG # Optional boolean value. Enables debug level logging. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-debug/ # DRONE_DEBUG: "true" # DRONE_DOCKER_CONFIG # Optional string value. Provides the path to a Docker config.json file used # to source registry credentials from third party system. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-docker-config/ # DRONE_DOCKER_CONFIG: "" # DRONE_HTTP_BIND # Optional string value configures the http listener port. The default value # is :3000. Overriding this value is not recommended. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-http-bind/ # DRONE_HTTP_BIND: "" # DRONE_HTTP_HOST # Optional string value that configures the http listener hostname. The # default value is an empty string. Setting this value is not recommended. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-http-host/ # DRONE_HTTP_HOST: "" # DRONE_HTTP_PROTO # Optional string value configures the http listener protocol. The default # value is http. Overriding this value is not recommended. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-http-proto/ # DRONE_HTTP_PROTO: "" # DRONE_IMAGE_CLONE # Optional string value overrides the default plugin used to clone the # repository. The default value is drone/git # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-image-clone/ # DRONE_IMAGE_CLONE: "" # DRONE_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER # Optional string value overrides the placeholder image used when creating # Pods. The default value is drone/placeholder. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-image-placeholder/ # DRONE_IMAGE_PLACEHOLDER: "" # DRONE_LABELS_DEFAULT # Optional string map. Provides a set of default labels used when creating the # pipeline pod. The default annotation values are appended to the labels # defined in the yaml. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-labels-default/ # DRONE_LABELS_DEFAULT: "keyA:valueA,keyB:valueB" # DRONE_LIMIT_EVENTS # Optional comma-separated string value. Provides a white list of build events # that can be processed by this runner. This provides an extra layer of # security to limit the kind of workloads this runner can process. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-limit-events/ # DRONE_LIMIT_EVENTS: "" # DRONE_LIMIT_REPOS # Optional comma-separated string value. Configures the runner to only process # matching repositories. This provides an extra layer of security and can stop # untrusted repositories from executing pipelines with this runner. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-limit-repos/ # DRONE_LIMIT_REPOS: "" # DRONE_LIMIT_TRUST # Optional boolean value. Configures the runner to only process trusted # repositories. This provides an extra layer of security and can stop # untrusted repositories from executing pipelines with this runner. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-limit-trusted/ # DRONE_LIMIT_TRUST: "" # DRONE_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT # Optional string value provides the default namespace used to create pipeline # resources. The default namespace is used if the no namespace is configured # in the yaml. # # DRONE_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT=default # # You can optionally configure the runner to create a namespace for each # pipeline execution which gets deleted when the pipeline completes. This can # be configured using this exact value: # # DRONE_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT=drone- # # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-namespace-default/ # DRONE_NAMESPACE_DEFAULT: "" # DRONE_NAMESPACE_RULES # Optional string map. Defines linting rules to prevent an organization or # repository from using a restricted namespace. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-namespace-rules/ # DRONE_NAMESPACE_RULES: "" # DRONE_NAMESPACE_RULES_FILE # Optional string value. Provides the path to a file that defines namespace # usage rules. These rules prevent an organization or repository from using a # restricted namespace. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-namespace-rules-file/ # DRONE_NAMESPACE_RULES_FILE: "" # DRONE_NODE_SELECTOR_DEFAULT # Optional string map. Provides a set of default node_selector values used # when creating the pipeline pod. The default node_selector values are used if # node_selector is undefined in the yaml. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-node-selector-default/ # DRONE_NODE_SELECTOR_DEFAULT: "" # DRONE_POLICY_FILE # Optional string value. Provides the path to the policy file that should be # loaded on startup. Note that the policy file needs to be mounted into the # runner container. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-policy-file/ # DRONE_POLICY_FILE: "" # DRONE_REGISTRY_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT # Optional string value. Provides the endpoint used to make http requests to # an external registry plugin. The external registry plugin can be used to # source registry credentials from third party system. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-registry-plugin-endpoint/ # DRONE_REGISTRY_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT: "" # DRONE_REGISTRY_PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY # Optional boolean value. Disable SSL verification when making http requests # to the registry plugin endpoint. This is unsafe and is not recommended. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-registry-plugin-skip-verify/ # DRONE_REGISTRY_PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY: "" # DRONE_REGISTRY_PLUGIN_TOKEN # Optional string value. Provides the token used to authenticate http requests # to the registry plugin endpoint. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-registry-plugin-token/ # DRONE_REGISTRY_PLUGIN_TOKEN: "" # DRONE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_CPU # Optional integer, sets the default millicpu resource limits for all pipeline # containers. This value maps to the spec.containers[].resources.limits.cpu # field. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-resource-limit-cpu/ # DRONE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_CPU: "" # DRONE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_MEMORY # Optional integer, sets the default memory limits for all pipeline # containers. This value maps to the spec.containers[].resources.limits.memory # field. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-resource-limit-memory/ # DRONE_RESOURCE_LIMIT_MEMORY: "" # DRONE_RESOURCE_REQUEST_CPU # Optional integer, sets the default millicpu resource request for all # pipeline steps. This value maps to the # spec.containers[].resources.requests.cpu field. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-resource-request-cpu/ # DRONE_RESOURCE_REQUEST_CPU: "" # DRONE_RESOURCE_REQUEST_MEMORY # Optional integer, sets the default memory resource request for all pipeline # steps. This value maps to the spec.containers[].resources.requests.memory # field. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-resource-request-memory/ # DRONE_RESOURCE_REQUEST_MEMORY: "" # DRONE_RPC_DUMP_HTTP # Optional boolean value. Enables dumping the http request and response to the # logs for debugging purposes. This should only be enabled while debugging # connectivity issues between the runner and server. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-rpc-dump-http/ # DRONE_RPC_DUMP_HTTP: "" # DRONE_RPC_DUMP_HTTP_BODY # Optional boolean value. Enables dumping the http request and response body # to the logs for debugging purposes. This should only be enabled while # debugging connectivity issues between the runner and server. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-rpc-dump-http-body/ # DRONE_RPC_DUMP_HTTP_BODY: "" # DRONE_RPC_HOST # Required string values. Defines the hostname (and optional port) used to # connect to the Drone server. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-rpc-host/ # DRONE_RPC_HOST: "" # DRONE_RPC_PROTO # Required string value. Defines the protocol used to connect to the Drone # server. The value must be either http or https. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-rpc-proto/ # DRONE_RPC_PROTO: "" # DRONE_RPC_SECRET # Required string value. Provides the shared secret used by the Drone server # to authenticate http requests. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-rpc-secret/ # DRONE_RPC_SECRET: "" # DRONE_RPC_SKIP_VERIFY # Optional boolean value. Disable SSL verification when making http requests # to the Drone server. This is unsafe and is not recommended. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-rpc-skip-verify/ # DRONE_RPC_SKIP_VERIFY: "" # DRONE_RUNNER_CAPACITY # Optional number value. Limits the number of concurrent pipelines that a # runner can execute. This does not limit the number of concurrent pipelines # that can execute on a single node. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-runner-capacity/ # DRONE_RUNNER_CAPACITY: "" # DRONE_RUNNER_DEVICES # Optional comma separated list. Provides a list of devices that are mounted # into every pipeline step. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-runner-devices/ # DRONE_RUNNER_DEVICES: "" # DRONE_RUNNER_ENV_FILE # Optional string value. Provides the path to an environment variable file # used to define global environment variables injected into all pipeline # steps. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-runner-env-file/ # DRONE_RUNNER_ENV_FILE: "" # DRONE_RUNNER_ENVIRON # Optional string map. Provides a set of global environment variables that are # injected into every pipeline step. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-runner-environ/ # DRONE_RUNNER_ENVIRON: "" # DRONE_RUNNER_MAX_PROCS # Optional number value. Limits the number of concurrent steps that a runner # can execute for a single pipeline. This is disabled by default. This can be # useful if you need to throttle the maximum number of parallel steps to # prevent resource exhaustion. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-runner-max-procs/ # DRONE_RUNNER_MAX_PROCS: "" # DRONE_RUNNER_NAME # Optional string value. Sets the name of the runner. The runner name is # stored in the server and can be used to trace a build back to a specific # runner. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-runner-name/ # DRONE_RUNNER_NAME: "" # DRONE_RUNNER_PRIVILEGED_IMAGES # Optional comma separated list. Provides a list of Docker images that are # started as privileged containers by default. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-runner-privileged-images/ # DRONE_RUNNER_PRIVILEGED_IMAGES: "" # DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT # Optional string value. Provides the endpoint used to make http requests to # an external secret plugin. The external secret plugin (e.g. vault) can be # used to source secrets from third party system. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-secret-plugin-endpoint/ # DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT: "" # DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY # Optional boolean value. Disable SSL verification when making http requests # to the plugin endpoint. This is unsafe and is not recommended. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-secret-plugin-skip-verify/ # DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY: "" # DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_TOKEN # Optional string value. Provides the secret token used to authenticate http # requests to the plugin endpoint. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-secret-plugin-token/ # DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_TOKEN: "" # DRONE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT # Optional string value provides the default service account used when # creating Pod. The default service account is used if no service account is # configured in the yaml. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-service-account-default/ # DRONE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_DEFAULT: "" # DRONE_TRACE # Optional boolean value. Enables trace level logging. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-trace/ # DRONE_TRACE: "" # DRONE_UI_DISABLED # Optional boolean value. Disables the runner’s user interface. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-ui-disable/ # DRONE_UI_DISABLE: "" # DRONE_UI_PASSWORD # Optional string value. Sets the basic authentication password used to # authenticate and access the web dashboard. If no password is provided the # web dashboard is disabled. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-ui-password/ # DRONE_UI_PASSWORD: "" # DRONE_UI_REALM # Optional string value. Sets the basic authentication realm used to # authenticate and access the web dashboard. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-ui-realm/ # DRONE_UI_REALM: "" # DRONE_UI_USERNAME # Optional string value. Sets the basic authentication username used to # authenticate and access the web dashboard. # https://docs.drone.io/runner/kubernetes/configuration/reference/drone-ui-username/ # DRONE_UI_USERNAME: "" envFile: {} # content: | # KEY=VALUE resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {}