package windows // DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated. // Contents of clone.ps1 const Clone = `$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; # HACK: no clue how to set the PATH inside the Dockerfile, # so am setting it here instead. This is not idea. $Env:PATH += ';C:\git\cmd;C:\git\mingw64\bin;C:\git\usr\bin' # if the workspace is set we should make sure # it is the current working directory. if ($Env:DRONE_WORKSPACE) { cd $Env:DRONE_WORKSPACE } # if the netrc enviornment variables exist, write # the netrc file. if ($Env:DRONE_NETRC_MACHINE) { @" machine $Env:DRONE_NETRC_MACHINE login $Env:DRONE_NETRC_USERNAME password $Env:DRONE_NETRC_PASSWORD "@ > (Join-Path $Env:USERPROFILE '_netrc'); } # configure git global behavior and parameters via the # following environment variables: if ($Env:PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY) { $Env:GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY = "true" } if ($Env:DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME) { $Env:GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME } else { $Env:GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = "drone" } if ($Env:DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME) { $Env:GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_AUTHOR_NAME } else { $Env:GIT_AUTHOR_NAME = 'drone@localhost' } $Env:GIT_COMMITTER_NAME = $Env:GIT_AUTHOR_NAME $Env:GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL = $Env:GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL # invoke the sub-script based on the drone event type. # TODO we should ultimately look at the ref, since # we need something compatible with deployment events. switch ($Env:DRONE_BUILD_EVENT) { "pull_request" { Invoke-Expression "${PSScriptRoot}\clone-pull-request.ps1" break } "tag" { Invoke-Expression "${PSScriptRoot}\clone-tag.ps1" break } default { Invoke-Expression "${PSScriptRoot}\clone-commit.ps1" break } } ` // Contents of clone-commit.ps1 const CloneCommit = ` Set-Variable -Name "FLAGS" -Value "" if ($Env:PLUGIN_DEPTH) { Set-Variable -Name "FLAGS" -Value "--depth=$Env:PLUGIN_DEPTH" } if (!(Test-Path .git)) { Write-Host 'git init'; git init Write-Host "git remote add origin $Env:DRONE_REMOTE_URL" git remote add origin $Env:DRONE_REMOTE_URL } Write-Host "git fetch $FLAGS origin +refs/heads/${Env:DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH}:"; git fetch $FLAGS origin "+refs/heads/${Env:DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH}:"; Write-Host "git checkout $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_SHA -f $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH"; git checkout $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_SHA -b $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH; ` // Contents of clone-pull-request.ps1 const ClonePullRequest = ` Set-Variable -Name "FLAGS" -Value "" if ($Env:PLUGIN_DEPTH) { Set-Variable -Name "FLAGS" -Value "--depth=$Env:PLUGIN_DEPTH" } if (!(Test-Path .git)) { git init git remote add origin $Env:DRONE_REMOTE_URL } git fetch $FLAGS origin "+refs/heads/${Env:DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH}:" git checkout $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_BRANCH git fetch origin $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_REF: git rebase $Env:DRONE_COMMIT_SHA ` // Contents of clone-tag.ps1 const CloneTag = ` Set-Variable -Name "FLAGS" -Value "" if ($Env:PLUGIN_DEPTH) { Set-Variable -Name "FLAGS" -Value "--depth=$Env:PLUGIN_DEPTH" } if (!(Test-Path .git)) { git init git remote add origin $Env:DRONE_REMOTE_URL } git fetch $FLAGS origin "+refs/tags/${Env:DRONE_TAG}:" git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD `