# helm-docker [![Build Status](https://drone.cryptic.systems/api/badges/volker.raschek/helm-docker/status.svg)](https://drone.cryptic.systems/volker.raschek/helm-docker) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/volkerraschek/helm)](https://hub.docker.com/r/volkerraschek/helm) This project contains all sources to build the container image `docker.io/volkerraschek/helm`. The primary goal of this project is to package the binary `helm` as container image to provide the functionally for CI/CD workflows. The source code of the binary can be found in the upstream project of [helm](github.com/helm/helm). ## drone Here is an example to lint, package and deploy a chart to chartmuseum via `docker.io/volkerraschek/helm`. ```yaml kind: pipeline type: kubernetes name: linter platform: os: linux arch: amd64 steps: - name: helm lint commands: - helm lint image: docker.io/volkerraschek/helm:latest resources: limits: cpu: 50 memory: 50M --- kind: pipeline type: kubernetes name: release platform: os: linux steps: - name: release-helm-chart commands: - helm plugin install https://github.com/chartmuseum/helm-push.git - helm repo add myrepo https://charts.example.com/myrepo - helm package --version ${DRONE_TAG} . - helm cm-push ${DRONE_REPO_NAME}-${DRONE_TAG}.tgz myrepo environment: HELM_REPO_PASSWORD: from_secret: helm_repo_password HELM_REPO_USERNAME: from_secret: helm_repo_username image: docker.io/volkerraschek/helm:latest resources: limits: cpu: 50 memory: 50M trigger: event: - tag ```