# Docker Latex [![Build Status](https://drone.cryptic.systems/api/badges/volker.raschek/latex-docker/status.svg)](https://drone.cryptic.systems/volker.raschek/latex-docker) [![Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/volkerraschek/latex)](https://hub.docker.com/r/volkerraschek/latex) This repository, hosted on [git.cryptic.systems](https://git.cryptic.systems/volker.raschek/latex-docker), contains Dockerfiles to build different container images based on differend base images. Any container image has the tex compiler and the minted package included. Throught this are all container images able to compile tex source code with source code highlighting. ## Images Available Images: - volkerraschek/latex:latest-archlinux - volkerraschek/latex:latest-debian8-slim - volkerraschek/latex:latest-debian9-slim - volkerraschek/latex:latest-debian10-slim - volkerraschek/latex:latest-fedora-30 - volkerraschek/latex:latest-fedora-31 - volkerraschek/latex:latest-centos-7 - volkerraschek/latex:latest-ubuntu-16.04 - volkerraschek/latex:latest-ubuntu-18.04 - volkerraschek/latex:latest-ubuntu-20.04 You can find a complete list of all docker images based on different distributions on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/volkerraschek/latex-docker/tags). ## Usage ### Latexmk Here is an example based on ubuntu 18.04 to compile a PDF file with `latexmk` from `index.tex`. Run this command in your root directory of your Latex files or change the `volume` option with the `${PWD}` variable. ```bash $ docker run \ --rm \ --user="$(shell id -u):$(shell id -g)" \ --net="none" \ --volume="${PWD}:/workspace" volkerraschek/latex:latest-ubuntu-18.04 \ latexmk \ -shell-escape \ -synctex=1 \ -interaction=nonstopmode \ -file-line-error \ -pdf index.tex ``` ### pdflatex Here is a example based on ubuntu 18.04 to compile a PDF file with `pdflatex` from `index.tex`. Run this command in your root directory of your Latex files or change the `volume` option with the `${PWD}` variable. ```bash $ docker run \ --rm \ --user="$(shell id -u):$(shell id -g)" \ --net="none" \ --volume="${PWD}:/workspace" volkerraschek/latex:latest-ubuntu-18.04 \ pdflatex \ -shell-escape \ -synctex=1 \ -interaction=nonstopmode \ -enable-write18 index.tex ```