# Default values for postfixadmin. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. image: repository: docker.io/volkerraschek/postfixadmin pullPolicy: Always # Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. tag: "" imagePullSecrets: [] nameOverride: "" fullnameOverride: "" podAnnotations: {} podPriorityClassName: "" podSecurityContext: {} # fsGroup: 2000 securityContext: {} # capabilities: # drop: # - ALL # readOnlyRootFilesystem: true # runAsNonRoot: true # runAsUser: 1000 config: # POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_EMAIL # Define the email address of an admin via POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_EMAIL to send # emails or broadcast messages in his name instead of the email address of the # logged in admin, which wants to send an email or broadcast message about the # PostfixAdmin interface. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_admin_email # POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_EMAIL: # POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_SMTP_PASSWORD # Define the smtp password via POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_SMTP_PASSWORD of the admin # which should be used to send emails or broadcast messages about the # PostfixAdmin interface. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_admin_smtp_password # POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_SMTP_PASSWORD: # POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_NAME # Define the name of the admin via POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_NAME which should be # used to send emails or broadcast messages about the PostfixAdmin interface. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_admin_name # POSTFIXADMIN_ADMIN_NAME: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_TYPE # PostfixAdmin support currently sqlite, postgres and mysql/mariadb. About the # environment variable POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_TYPE can the backend type # defined. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_type # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_TYPE: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_USER # The environment variable POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_USER is undefined and only # required if the database backend is not sqlite. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_user # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_USER: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PASSWORD # The environment variable POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PASSWORD is undefined and # only required if the database backend is not sqlite. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_password # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PASSWORD: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_HOST # The environment variable POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_HOST is undefined and only # required if the database backend is not sqlite # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_host # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_HOST: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PORT # The environment variable POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PORT will automatically # defined with default values when instead of sqlite an other database backend # has been selected. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_port # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PORT: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_NAME # The environment variable POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_NAME is defined by default # with the value /var/tmp/postfixadmin.db. This is the path where the sqlite # database is stored. If pgsql or mysqli is defined instead of sqlite as # database backend type, can the environment variable used to define the # database name. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_name # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_NAME: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_USE_SSL # Encrypt a database connection to an external database like postgres, mariadb # or mysqli via SSL when POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_USE_SSL=true. Additionally # should be the other SSL environment variables defined to establish # successfully a SSL encrypted connection. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_use_ssl # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_USE_SSL: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_KEY # Via POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_KEY can be the path to the private key defined # which should be used to encrypt the database connection via SSL. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_ssl_key # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_KEY: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_CERT # Via POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_CERT can be the path to the certificate # defined which should be used to encrypt the database connection via SSL. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_ssl_cert # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_CERT: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_CA # Via POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_CA can be the path to the root certificate of # the certificate authority defined which should be trusted to encrypt the # database connection via SSL. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_ssl_ca # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_SSL_CA: # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PREFIX # It make much sense to use a prefix name for all PostfixAdmin related tables, # when the tables, views and so on should be stored into a shared schema like # public. About the environment variable POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PREFIX can such # a prefix defined. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_database_prefix # POSTFIXADMIN_DATABASE_PREFIX: # POSTFIXADMIN_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE # Default language of PostfixAdmin. Checkout the official repository under # ./languages to get a list of all supported languages. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_default_language # POSTFIXADMIN_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: # POSTFIXADMIN_ENCRYPT # Via POSTFIXADMIN_ENCRYPT can be the algorithm specified to encrypt passwords # of users. The algorithm md5crypt is defined as default. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_encrypt # POSTFIXADMIN_ENCRYPT: # POSTFIXADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD # To login into the `setup.php` page is the setup password required. If the # setup_password is undefined, it will be set by a random string via helm. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_setup_password # POSTFIXADMIN_SETUP_PASSWORD: # POSTFIXADMIN_SMTP_SERVER # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_smtp_server # POSTFIXADMIN_SMTP_SERVER: # POSTFIXADMIN_SMTP_PORT # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_smtp_port # POSTFIXADMIN_SMTP_PORT: # POSTFIXADMIN_SHOW_FOOTER_TEXT # Enable or disable via YES or NO the footer text displayed on all sites. Use # POSTFIXADMIN_FOOTER_TEXT and POSTFIX_FOOTER_LINK to customize the text. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_show_footer_text # POSTFIXADMIN_SHOW_FOOTER_TEXT: # POSTFIXADMIN_FOOTER_TEXT: # POSTFIXADMIN_FOOTER_LINK: # POSTFIXADMIN_FETCHMAIL # Enable or disable via YES or NO the fetchmail tab. It has nothing todo with # the fetchmail cron job. # https://github.com/volker-raschek/postfixadmin-docker#postfixadmin_fetchmail # POSTFIXADMIN_FETCHMAIL: service: type: ClusterIP port: 80 ingress: enabled: false className: "nginx" annotations: # cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: # cert-manager.io/issuer: # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" hosts: - host: "your-hostname" paths: - path: / pathType: ImplementationSpecific tls: - secretName: "your-tls-secret" hosts: - "your-hostname" resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {}