package socket import ( "fmt" "" "" "net" "strings" ) type Fail2BanSocket struct { socket net.Conn encoder *ogórek.Encoder } type JailStats struct { FailedCurrent int FailedTotal int BannedCurrent int BannedTotal int } func ConnectToSocket(path string) (*Fail2BanSocket, error) { c, err := net.Dial("unix", path) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &Fail2BanSocket{ socket: c, encoder: ogórek.NewEncoder(c), }, nil } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) Close() error { return s.socket.Close() } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) Ping() (bool, error) { response, err := s.sendCommand([]string{pingCommand, "100"}) if err != nil { return false, newConnectionError(pingCommand, err) } if t, ok := response.(*types.Tuple); ok { if (*t)[1] == "pong" { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("unexpected response data (expecting 'pong'): %s", (*t)[1]) } return false, newBadFormatError(pingCommand, response) } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) GetJails() ([]string, error) { response, err := s.sendCommand([]string{statusCommand}) if err != nil { return nil, err } if lvl1, ok := response.(*types.Tuple); ok { if lvl2, ok := lvl1.Get(1).(*types.List); ok { if lvl3, ok := lvl2.Get(1).(*types.Tuple); ok { if lvl4, ok := lvl3.Get(1).(string); ok { splitJails := strings.Split(lvl4, ",") return trimSpaceForAll(splitJails), nil } } } } return nil, newBadFormatError(statusCommand, response) } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) GetJailStats(jail string) (JailStats, error) { response, err := s.sendCommand([]string{statusCommand, jail}) if err != nil { return JailStats{}, err } stats := JailStats{ FailedCurrent: -1, FailedTotal: -1, BannedCurrent: -1, BannedTotal: -1, } if lvl1, ok := response.(*types.Tuple); ok { if lvl2, ok := lvl1.Get(1).(*types.List); ok { if filter, ok := lvl2.Get(0).(*types.Tuple); ok { if filterLvl1, ok := filter.Get(1).(*types.List); ok { if filterCurrentTuple, ok := filterLvl1.Get(0).(*types.Tuple); ok { if filterCurrent, ok := filterCurrentTuple.Get(1).(int); ok { stats.FailedCurrent = filterCurrent } } if filterTotalTuple, ok := filterLvl1.Get(1).(*types.Tuple); ok { if filterTotal, ok := filterTotalTuple.Get(1).(int); ok { stats.FailedTotal = filterTotal } } } } if actions, ok := lvl2.Get(1).(*types.Tuple); ok { if actionsLvl1, ok := actions.Get(1).(*types.List); ok { if actionsCurrentTuple, ok := actionsLvl1.Get(0).(*types.Tuple); ok { if actionsCurrent, ok := actionsCurrentTuple.Get(1).(int); ok { stats.BannedCurrent = actionsCurrent } } if actionsTotalTuple, ok := actionsLvl1.Get(1).(*types.Tuple); ok { if actionsTotal, ok := actionsTotalTuple.Get(1).(int); ok { stats.BannedTotal = actionsTotal } } } } return stats, nil } } return stats, newBadFormatError(statusCommand, response) } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) GetJailBanTime(jail string) (int, error) { command := fmt.Sprintf(banTimeCommandFmt, jail) return s.sendSimpleIntCommand(command) } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) GetJailFindTime(jail string) (int, error) { command := fmt.Sprintf(findTimeCommandFmt, jail) return s.sendSimpleIntCommand(command) } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) GetJailMaxRetries(jail string) (int, error) { command := fmt.Sprintf(maxRetriesCommandFmt, jail) return s.sendSimpleIntCommand(command) } func (s *Fail2BanSocket) GetServerVersion() (string, error) { response, err := s.sendCommand([]string{versionCommand}) if err != nil { return "", err } if lvl1, ok := response.(*types.Tuple); ok { if versionStr, ok := lvl1.Get(1).(string); ok { return versionStr, nil } } return "", newBadFormatError(versionCommand, response) } // sendSimpleIntCommand sends a command to the fail2ban socket and parses the response to extract an int. // This command assumes that the response data is in the format of `(d, d)` where `d` is a number. func (s *Fail2BanSocket) sendSimpleIntCommand(command string) (int, error) { response, err := s.sendCommand(strings.Split(command, " ")) if err != nil { return -1, err } if lvl1, ok := response.(*types.Tuple); ok { if banTime, ok := lvl1.Get(1).(int); ok { return banTime, nil } } return -1, newBadFormatError(command, response) } func newBadFormatError(command string, data interface{}) error { return fmt.Errorf("(%s) unexpected response format - cannot parse: %v", command, data) } func newConnectionError(command string, err error) error { return fmt.Errorf("(%s) failed to send command through socket: %v", command, err) } func trimSpaceForAll(slice []string) []string { for i := range slice { slice[i] = strings.TrimSpace(slice[i]) } return slice }