| `config.database.existingSecret.enabled` | Mount an existing secret containing the application specific `DATA_SOURCE_` prefixed environment variables. | `false` |
| `config.database.existingSecret.secretName` | Name of the existing secret containing the application specific `DATA_SOURCE_` prefixed environment variables. | `""` |
| `config.database.secret.annotations` | Additional annotations of the secret containing the database credentials. | `{}` |
| `config.database.secret.labels` | Additional labels of the secret containing the database credentials. | `{}` |
| `config.database.secret.databaseUsername` | Database username. Will be defined as env `DATA_SOURCE_USER` as part of a secret. | `""` |
| `config.database.secret.databasePassword` | Database password. Will be defined as env `DATA_SOURCE_PASS` as part of a secret. | `""` |
| `config.database.secret.databaseConnectionUrl` | Complex database connection URL. Will be defined as env `DATA_SOURCE_URI` as part of a secret. | `""` |
| `config.exporterConfig.existingSecret.enabled` | Mount an existing secret containing the key `exporterConfig.yaml`. | `false` |
| `config.exporterConfig.existingSecret.secretName` | Name of the existing secret containing the key `exporterConfig.yaml`. | `""` |
| `config.exporterConfig.secret.annotations` | Additional annotations of the secret containing the `exporterConfig.yaml`. | `{}` |
| `config.exporterConfig.secret.labels` | Additional labels of the secret containing the `exporterConfig.yaml`. | `{}` |
| `config.exporterConfig.secret.exporterConfig` | Content of the `exporterConfig.yaml`. Further information can be found [here](https://github.com/prometheus-community/postgres_exporter?tab=readme-ov-file#multi-target-support-beta). | `{}` |
| `config.webConfig.existingSecret.enabled` | Mount an existing secret containing the key `webConfig.yaml`. | `false` |
| `config.webConfig.existingSecret.secretName` | Name of the existing secret containing the key `webConfig.yaml`. | `""` |
| `config.webConfig.secret.annotations` | Additional annotations of the secret containing the `webConfig.yaml`. | `{}` |
| `config.webConfig.secret.labels` | Additional labels of the secret containing the `webConfig.yaml`. | `{}` |
| `config.webConfig.secret.webConfig` | Content of the `webConfig.yaml`. Further information can be found [here](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/https/). | `{}` |
| `deployment.additionalContainers` | List of additional containers. | `[]` |
| `deployment.affinity` | Affinity for the postgres-exporter deployment. | `{}` |
| `deployment.initContainers` | List of additional init containers. | `[]` |
| `deployment.dnsConfig` | dnsConfig of the postgres-exporter deployment. | `{}` |
| `deployment.dnsPolicy` | dnsPolicy of the postgres-exporter deployment. | `""` |
| `deployment.hostname` | Individual hostname of the pod. | `""` |
| `deployment.subdomain` | Individual domain of the pod. | `""` |
| `deployment.hostNetwork` | Use the kernel network namespace of the host system. | `false` |
| `deployment.imagePullSecrets` | Secret to use for pulling the image. | `[]` |
| `deployment.postgresExporter.args` | Arguments passed to the postgres-exporter container. | `[]` |
| `deployment.postgresExporter.env` | List of environment variables for the postgres-exporter container. | `[]` |
| `deployment.postgresExporter.envFrom` | List of environment variables mounted from configMaps or secrets for the postgres-exporter container. | `[]` |
| `deployment.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge` | The maximum number of pods that can be scheduled above the desired number of pods during a rolling update. | `1` |
| `deployment.strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable` | The maximum number of pods that can be unavailable during a rolling update. | `1` |
| `deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds` | How long to wait until forcefully kill the pod. | `60` |
| `deployment.tolerations` | Tolerations of the postgres-exporter deployment. | `[]` |
| `deployment.topologySpreadConstraints` | TopologySpreadConstraints of the postgres-exporter deployment. | `[]` |
| `grafana.enabled` | Enable integration into Grafana. Require the Prometheus operator deployment. | `false` |
| `grafana.dashboardDiscoveryLabels` | Labels that Grafana uses to discover resources. The labels may vary depending on the Grafana deployment. | `undefined` |
| `networkPolicies.default.enabled` | Enable the network policy for accessing the application by default. For example to scape the metrics. | `false` |
| `prometheus.metrics.podMonitor.interval` | Interval at which metrics should be scraped. If not specified Prometheus' global scrape interval is used. | `60s` |
| `prometheus.metrics.podMonitor.relabelings` | RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping. Prometheus Operator automatically adds relabelings for a few standard Kubernetes fields. | `[]` |
| `prometheus.metrics.podMonitor.scrapeTimeout` | Timeout after which the scrape is ended. If not specified, global Prometheus scrape timeout is used. | `30s` |
| `prometheus.metrics.podMonitor.scheme` | HTTP scheme to use for scraping. For example `http` or `https`. | `http` |
| `prometheus.metrics.podMonitor.tlsConfig` | TLS configuration to use when scraping the metric endpoint by Prometheus. | `{}` |
| `prometheus.metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled` | Enable creation of a serviceMonitor. Excludes the existence of a podMonitor resource. | `false` |
| `prometheus.metrics.serviceMonitor.interval` | Interval at which metrics should be scraped. If not specified Prometheus' global scrape interval is used. | `60s` |
| `prometheus.metrics.serviceMonitor.relabelings` | RelabelConfigs to apply to samples before scraping. Prometheus Operator automatically adds relabelings for a few standard Kubernetes fields. | `[]` |
| `prometheus.metrics.serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout` | Timeout after which the scrape is ended. If not specified, global Prometheus scrape timeout is used. | `30s` |
| `prometheus.metrics.serviceMonitor.scheme` | HTTP scheme to use for scraping. For example `http` or `https`. | `http` |
| `prometheus.metrics.serviceMonitor.tlsConfig` | TLS configuration to use when scraping the metric endpoint by Prometheus. | `{}` |
| `prometheus.rules` | Array of Prometheus rules for monitoring the application and triggering alerts. | `[]` |
| `services.http.enabled` | Enable the service. | `true` |
| `services.http.annotations` | Additional service annotations. | `{}` |
| `services.http.externalIPs` | External IPs for the service. | `[]` |
| `services.http.externalTrafficPolicy` | If `service.type` is `NodePort` or `LoadBalancer`, set this to `Local` to tell kube-proxy to only use node local endpoints for cluster external traffic. Furthermore, this enables source IP preservation. | `Cluster` |
| `services.http.internalTrafficPolicy` | If `service.type` is `NodePort` or `LoadBalancer`, set this to `Local` to tell kube-proxy to only use node local endpoints for cluster internal traffic. | `Cluster` |
| `services.http.ipFamilies` | IPFamilies is list of IP families (e.g. `IPv4`, `IPv6`) assigned to this service. This field is usually assigned automatically based on cluster configuration and only required for customization. | `[]` |
| `services.http.labels` | Additional service labels. | `{}` |
| `services.http.loadBalancerClass` | LoadBalancerClass is the class of the load balancer implementation this Service belongs to. Requires service from type `LoadBalancer`. | `""` |
| `services.http.loadBalancerIP` | LoadBalancer will get created with the IP specified in this field. Requires service from type `LoadBalancer`. | `""` |
| `services.http.loadBalancerSourceRanges` | Source range filter for LoadBalancer. Requires service from type `LoadBalancer`. | `[]` |
| `services.http.port` | Port to forward the traffic to. | `9187` |
| `services.http.sessionAffinity` | Supports `ClientIP` and `None`. Enable client IP based session affinity via `ClientIP`. | `None` |
| `services.http.sessionAffinityConfig` | Contains the configuration of the session affinity. | `{}` |
| `services.http.type` | Kubernetes service type for the traffic. | `ClusterIP` |
| `serviceAccount.existing.enabled` | Use an existing service account instead of creating a new one. Assumes that the user has all the necessary kubernetes API authorizations. | `false` |
| `serviceAccount.existing.serviceAccountName` | Name of the existing service account. | `""` |
| `serviceAccount.new.annotations` | Additional service account annotations. | `{}` |
| `serviceAccount.new.labels` | Additional service account labels. | `{}` |
| `serviceAccount.new.automountServiceAccountToken` | Enable/disable auto mounting of the service account token. | `true` |
| `serviceAccount.new.imagePullSecrets` | ImagePullSecrets is a list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this serviceAccount. | `[]` |
| `serviceAccount.new.secrets` | Secrets is the list of secrets allowed to be used by pods running using this ServiceAccount. | `[]` |